Banning the Second Amendment

We have heard these people before, and unfortunately we are hearing them again. In the wake of the Florida and Las Vegas mass shootings where mad men have taken so many lives from among us. The mass shootings have become a political platform for gun control

Last weekend the news covered many youth while they protested against gun violence and for gun control. The arguments are repackaged to try to be sold to the at large public. They cry "ban the NRA" or National Rifle Association.

What did the NRA have to do with either of the mass shootings mentioned above? None. Has the NRA ever supported a mass murder? No. So why the attack on the NRA? Because these youngsters and their liberal supporters need a villain. 

When Hitler raged about Germany's problems in the 1930's he found a villain. The Jews made a perfect scapegoat. They were blamed for banking problems, job loss, education issues, societal ills, etc.  They were responsible for all Germany's problem. The solution was originally to deport them, and then it escalated to outright genocide.

I am not implying that the youth gun control movement is about killing all NRA members. But finding a scapegoat without factual basis to back it up is dangerous. We don't know what unintended consequenses could come out of this type of blame of an organization like the NRA who seek to protect gun rights in the United States.

Some of the gun control crowd are going a step further. In addition to finding the scapegoat, they are trying to convince their supporters to push banning the Second Amendment to the US Constitution, the right to keep and bare arms. They argue for the Second Amendment's repeal.

What good would that do? None whatsoever. The criminal element of society does not care about obeying today's gun laws. They will not care about tougher laws or the effects of a Second Amendment repeal. They will get their weapons somehow and still kill. It theoretically may be harder, but they will find a way to kill if that is what they are hell bent on doing.

Repealing a fundamental liberty like the right to keep and bare arms is a sham to give liberal political elites control of gun access, denying it to the law abiding citizen.

There are other types of arms covered in the Second Amendment besides guns. These include knives, baseball bats, num chucks, swords, crossbows, etc. Once they have the guns out of the way for the common citizen what would stop them from pursuing total disarmament of the population? Nothing. The criminals would still have their guns and other weapons. The criminals would still use the weapons to hurt and kill.

So before you listen to a bunch of kids with no real life experience under their belts think about what liberties have been purchased for you by the common man having access to firearms and the like?

These youth will grow up. Many sadly will become the victims of crime. Whether they have access to arms could make all the difference if they can protect themselves or not. If they cannot protect themselves then the outcome could be disasterous.

We should listen to others so that we can have a true dialogue about issues. If one side thinks that compromise is "agree with me or I'll shut you up" then that person or group should be dismissed as hostile. Dialogue is between parties that can actually talk, agree to disagree, give and take, and find common ground. Those who advocate the repeal of the Second Amendment should be dismissed from political discourse with the rest of the sensible society until they learn to cooperate and compromise. Until then they can exercise their First Amendemnt rights to speak. And we can exercise our First Amendment right to dismiss them.


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