How To Defeat A Terrorist? Live Your Life!

In the wake of the Boston Marathon Massacre bombings, people have come together in various ways to support the fallen, the maimed, and those who live with the developing psychological impacts.  It is important to go through the mourning process, heal up, and most importantly move on.

The Brothers Tsaranev of Chechnya, Russia, one of which took American Citizenship are not only terrorists, one is a dead traitor to his country. Better off dead in my opinion. The remaining brother is starting to talk.

Radical Jihadi Islam the culprit. These supposed jihadi terrorists are really nothing more than cowards. Cowards murder. Its about using fear and control to panic the public. Where, how, when, will they strike again?

Who knows? They will strike, we just have to be vigilant. We need to report anyone who is acting strange in the area of terrorism or the like to authorities. The TSA, ATF, FBI, CIA and the Armed Forces are indispensable to our fight on terror.

But the real eyes and ears on the ground are common citizens like you and me. Whatever your faith, creed, or background, report these bastards and flush them out to authorities. We can't leave it to government to do all the work and we just hang out and watch.

The greatest weapon we have against Islamoterror or any terrorist for that matter is to go on living. Gangs, common thugs, and dope dealers have a greater chance of picking any one of us off than a terrorist of any type.

We need to show no fear in living our lives. We need to gather for our great public events, go to school, work, travel, play, go to our religious places and worship God as we see fit. By refusing to give into fear, terrorists weapon of choice, which is fear, is more likely to be neutralized.

They always mention "fear" with their demonic rhetoric. Yes being afraid in a healthy way is good, but to play into the media hype of fear is only emboldening our enemies. We cannot or will not placate our terrorist enemies. They have no conscience or remorse for their actions. They are cowards with blood on their hands. They need to be sent home to Allah in body bags.  That is not to say go vigilante or anything like that, but stand tall, be proud to be American or whatever you are, and rebel against submission by living your life to the best.

Jihadis only know fear, terror, force and death. The same with other terrorists. Take out their most valuable weapon and they become disoriented and confused in their quest to maim, hurt, and destroy.

It also is the best misinformation to feed them. They think we are afraid, but when they see the American People stand tall, they may strike, but we regroup, dust ourselves off, help our fellow man, and move on. While they plot to die, we plot to live.

Being afraid is natural to such horror as we have experienced as a nation, but even better is to overcome that fear, as did those on United Flight 93 on September 11, 2001 and fight back. They lived their lives all the way to Shanksville, Pennsylvania, where they paid the ultimate price for freedom. Lets continue to live as they would have wanted to live free and fearless in our quest to carry on.


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