The Void

It comes down as a dark cloud. It is a feeling of sadness, relief, and apathy at the same time.

It feels like a literal void. Nothingness caused by something. Lifeless life. As a person who fought so hard to get this end put it "surreal."

I am not sure if surreal is the feeling I would give this feeling. It is the loss and knowing that only the uncertainty of the future lies ahead.

When one has suffered once, it is like you had to go back for second helpings against your will.

Words cannot describe the finalization of a divorce. The English language is too limited to convey the true meaning. There is only one direction to go and that is forward, even into the void.

Things will get better, but nothing ever fills that void left behind in death or divorce.

The key is not learning to live with it, but in spite of it.


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